Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Going Down To Cow Town...

Well, folks, it's Wednesday, and I know its been a while since I wrote in here. I should say now I don't plan to be anything 'regular' at all here. Not to mention it's raining outside (Oh my gawd, a WoW person who actually looks at the real world? Blasphemy!) and that's making me a cranky mouse.

I'm currently taking a break from my Ore and fish farming on Shannae to work on trying to level another alt of mine, a Horde-side Hunter named Maggyn. Tauren, Level 64 ATM. Leather/Skinning with Dragonscale Leatherworking as her main profession. Yes, I prefer to go the old skool way of saying it. Maggyn is part of a guild recently started by a friend of mine for the purpose of entertainment and RP. I'm, once again, highest level character in the guild. I'm also the one trying to get us more money for the guild.

Anyway, since I'm not paying much attention to my alliance alts except to check auction returns, resell things, and sometimes make more jewelry to stick up on weekends, I thought I'd list a few more interesting links I've found recently.

Kungan in Orgrimmar - This blog post is from a fellow who recently went into Orgrimmar, stood around, and made 1000+g (gold) just standing around doing nothing. Now that takes balls, man. Or a lot of luck. I know I'd never pull it off.
Bad Trade Recovery - How to recovery from a bad trade. Very good advice, and something everyone should read about.
The Top Ten Gold Maker Types - Amusing read. Which one are you? I'm something a mix of 2, 3, and 7. Sometimes a 1.
Just My 2 C - Yeah, another blog with tips on gold gathering. Well, let's face it, a lot of my friends who play the game are broke, and I'm still trying to get money for myself, so, there's going to be a lot of links on that subject.

Now, back to my cow. My Tauren (Armory is down, so no link to her for now.) is currently going it solo with a Beast/Marks spec that's halfassed since I can't really make full advantage of it till I'm Level 80. I picked up a bear (black bear for skin ref) for soloing and as a change from my usual Ravager. GrumpyBug is getting a nice vacation while Mainebar and I work on levelling the big hairy bastich up for solo fun.

As I said, she's Leather/Skinning. I haven't really done much to raise her recipe count because, well, at the moment the most money I've had on her in several months is 4g. We are working on fixing this, of course, don't you worry. I'm just taking a long time because it's slow as ass.

Anyway, I've been noticing that the closer it gets to a new month, the more certain things start to sell like mad on the AH. Namely, Rugged Armor Kits, Thorium Widgets, and the various other things that can be given for rep at the Darkmoon Faire. This is a hint, folks; if you can make things that the Faire takes in for rep, you can sell them too. (Except for Darkmoon Cards, no one ever wants those for some reason.)

Here is a list of the various things you can turn in at the Faire that also net you money on the AH. It also explains WHY these things are so sought after, and what you get yourself for turning them in. (WoWWiki saves a lot of time if you just read it.)

That's about all I have for now. Thanks again to anyone who reads this, and y'all are welcome to anyone who's getting hints and tips from this.

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