Friday, May 22, 2009

Going Postal; More economy links.

So, thanks to a friend making a suggestion, I have a new add-on to post about today.


This add-on is much like Mailget, except that there are more options to be had, including an address book option to allow you a drop down menu from which to select names to add to the send mail address slot, as well as documenting everything you get from an auction return. It also allows for selective mail opening, meaning you can select which letters you want to open and which you don't. As a bonus, auto blocks trades from others while you're at the mailbox.

Mind you, I've got trades blocked normally anyway and I've yet to find an add-on that allows for selective trade blocking (i.e. for those only on your friendslist) but once I do, you can bet it'll be linked to here.

Also, another helpful link for those like me who want to make gold because they have addictions in game or goals to satisfy. (I want that darn bike, I don't care if it's a frivolous expenditure, it's a goal I want.) Warcraft I've been looking it over and it does offer some good pointers and insights. It's sister-site, Warcraft allows one to look at graphs detailing what things have sold for over a period of time on the AH based on your server and the item.

Also, a recent entry on (Time is Money: Saronite) talks about farming for saronite in Sholozar Basin. I'd like to show you all a picture of my mini-map for Sholozar Basin, showing all the ore nodes there. (Thank you, Gatherer, for allowing me to tract this!)

The Green Dots are Saronite. The White are Titanium. The yellow are locations for Loque'Nahak, who is my hunter alt's current White Whale of a pet. I'm sticking this in as a link because the original image is way too big to simply post here. As you can see, there's a reason many people call Sholozar Basin 'Saronite Basin' as a nickname. With that many nodes, it can be amusing to hear the talk on the general channel sometimes, since on my server there tend to be a lot of people arguing about who got to a node first. (We have one fellow who's infamous for trying to claim all nodes in the basin are his and he once spent a day reporting everyone in the basin, myself included, for taking them.)

Now, as an example, I can go to Sholozar, spend a few good hours mining things, and make about 100, 200 bars of Saronite, as well as about five or six of Titanium, or, if I'm extra lucky, one of Titansteel. On top of this are the numerous gems I can get from prospecting, and on top of that the numerous stones I can cut or make into jewelry, which I can then either sell on the AH, or, for the jewelry items, give to my guildmate for a Disenchant for free, and then sell the mats from the disenchating. (We have a deal; she disenchants for free c'os she's a friend, and any dream shards that come up she gets to keep c'os I'm a friend.)

'But Mouse, this is boring!' you say. This would be why I usually pop in an audiobook, or turn on the TV and watch TV shows in the background. (Law and order: SVU is my current favorite.) I listen as I circle the basin and collect. I do the same thing for when I'm 'mining fish' (fishing for fish to sell on the AH is also profitable.) except that I do it with the sound on my WoW turned on so I can listen for the bobber. (Vista may be painful for many reasons but I do like that the sound mixer allows you to select what programs are muted and what aren't.) I can easily collect ore, fish, what have you this way and keep entertained.

Does this work for everybody? Maybe, maybe not. Works for me. It's a suggestion you can use to try and make your time less boring as well.

Weekends, by the way, as said in Greedy Goblin, are always a very good time to post auctions. For some reason, on weekends, everyone and their brother is out buying in force. Probably because weekends are when those pore schmucks with jobs or school (be it summer or regular) are out for two days of fun and sun, and instead are spending it on Raiding and Lewt. Sales go up fast from Friday to Sunday, but seem to peter out on Sunday Nights, possibly because peoplea re going back to bed at a sane time.

Current Auctions: 326
Current Gold: 2044

Sent 200g to my main to make up 400g on Shannae to buy the Moonsaber from the tournament grounds. Because I'm that sadly addicted to mounts. Been eying a mechanopeep in the AH but will be good.

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