Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Tuesday, Another Matinence Day.

Imagine my surprise when Matinence ended exactly when they said it would, and the patch was amazingly painless to get for once. Wow! WoW indeed, man.

Of course, patches mean that no matter how small the hot fix, that some of my add-ons are going to stop working right, which of course means, once more, time to update things. Wheeeee.

Of course, with updated add-ons comes more wonderful things to download and things to update and investigate. And not every add-on will be updated right away, either. Which ones have updated so far?

* Ackis Recipe List
* Auctioneer

Which is pretty good though I do wish others would update. I'm getting tired of continuously having to set my game to load outdated add-ons whenever the patches come.

In other news, WoWInsider is now WoW.com . Spiffy, I suppose, though I always kinda liked the old layout better. Still, WoW.com looks like it will have spiff in and out of it, so. Eh.

Current Auctions: 300
Current Gold: 2249

No items tempting me today what with articles to read and more money to get.
Oh, wait... Swift Moonsaber, from Argent Tournament... Hmmm. *whap*

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