Monday, May 11, 2009

Opening Thoughts

Well, I don't really know where to start with this kind of thing, so here's hoping I do well.

My name is Typomouse, and I'm a WoW addict. I've been playing since January '05, which is more than 4 years now. And let me tell you, I'm still learning how to play the game properly.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll never be as popular a blogger in the WoW scene as some bloggers are, but I'm going to try and give as accurate an account as I can of what I do, how I do things, and see if that gives people help any. So, let's get down to business.

For starters, these are my characters:
Shannae - Lv. 80 Hunter, Earthen Ring, GUILD: Sock Drawer Pirates
Narasumas - Lv. 65 Death Knight, Earthen Ring, GUILD: Sock Drawer Pirates

These are the two main ones I will be covering for now. Yes, I've got many others. (Afflicted by Alt-charitis.) But for now, let's start with two.

Shannae, as you can see, is Lv. 80. I don't PuG, so I don't Raid or Dungeon much, I'm what you would call a semi-casual player. I don't PVP much, either. Yes, my gear sucks, yes, I'm always trying to find new ways to outfit myself better. Shannae is my main.

Narasumas is the alt I'm working on at the moment, trying to raise her to Lv. 80, and use her for business purposes. Y'know, to earn money to fund my main. And my addiction to getting mounts and pets. Which, yes, I admit I have. Like I said, I'm a casual player who's obsessed with a few things.

That's a good run down on me and my characters, good enough for a first post I suppose. Next one I'll work on tossing up some links to some websites with good infor for WoW, suggest some of the addons I use that I find useful, and make a mark of what my current project is.

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